Monday, September 10, 2012


I decided to (actually) try crayons for the first time in ever. What better place than the local watering hole?

These crayons were a little classier than your typical Crayolas, devoid of cheap paper labeling, just a logo seared into the wax itself. There were a ton of crayons open for sampling, so I just went with a 2 cent face sketch in black on a pad preoccupied with some Japanese. Then I ultimately Mouse-cookied myself into a full coloring.

I left it on the sample pad to browse the watercolor pencil section down the aisle (SERIOUSLY considering buying a set to test the waters--but the normal or the expanded set to start off with???). To my surprise some non-me-affiliated schoolgirls popped by the crayon section shortly after I left. They cheerily chittered over the (horrific) doodle they discovered and even annexed it for themselves! I didn't expect such a weak piece to get such a positive reaction, so I am happy for the little guy and that we could entertain some jPeeps!

So what did we learn? All I know is crayons are fun to visit, but I can't imagine dealing with such a stacked finicky-to-expression ratio too much in the future, unless I discover some mystery more-potent technique. I found crayons to be not as limited as I remember them from kindergarten--a nice excursion from PS and Copics--but if I want to try a new tradish medium, I'm gonna bank on pencil watercolors.

I've seen even Jim Lee struggle to truly unlock crayons, so it's probably just a dead end to go any further than a freebie sketch at art sample central. I know watercolor, regardless of my interest in the medium, is supposed to be a nigh-essential part of an artist's development, so I do feel it's inevitable I get on that crazy train. I tried watercolors over a decade ago and as I understand it, watercolor pencils are that, but more controllable, which is mouth-watering, if only for the bg or texturing possibilities.

Speaking of which, this concludes today's episode of "Nobody on Earth Could Possibly Benefit From Reading the Preceding."


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