Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today's Zero Like Me will run this Friday because I am a team player, and I care for the YDN's convenience and comfort. I'm sure the feeling is mutual of course!

So today's a double shot of Record interior art, both drawn over the summer, and previewed here.

At left is a higher concept piece from the Freshman Issue, where the artwork (pixelated as poop) was captioned with, "What a terrible calamity!" and then appeared later in the magazine, still pixelated, with the caption, "What a terrible calamari!"

The next piece comes from the freshly printed Internet Issue.

The caption reads: "Transformers 3: Beinecke"

Easter Eggs: Lux Et Veritas, 1701, Old Owl, and California-shaped squid marking.

Fun Facts: I feel weird about advertising this site on anything other than in my comics and on any site run by me, especially in magazines, where I feel it's a bit unprofessional, but I decided to just put a plug in this piece since another site inserted its URL into a few recent issues.

Baa: This one girl approached me one night at a rock show in TD but the music was so loud I wasn't able to catch her name and I'm not even sure I heard her correctly but I think she was trying to tell me she was a fan. I indicated I couldn't understand her, so she leaned in only to scream right into my ear, her voice landing like a punch, physically knocking me back. So all I got out of the exchange was a whole lot of temporary deafness. She seemed nice.


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