Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Here's a hat trick of the ways you can interact with people at Yale. You can interact with professors you don't know, such as Professor Shivi Sivaramakrishnan from the recent panel on the sociology of hate. I haven't been his student, but if the last panel on hate I went to is any indication, I very well may be (only Professor Kiernan remains from that original group).

Next, you can interact with professors you do have, like Professor Grimstad of Detective Fiction celebrity. We had a class screening of the Maltese Falcon and I sketched him while we all were waiting for the movie to start and listening to his spellbinding pre-movie mini-lecture.

And finally, at Yale you can interact with fellow students you don't know. This is the legendary Benji of the Purple Crayon. He's incredible and commands the best improv group at Yale. Of course, that's not saying much because all the other groups don't match their hype and they charge you money to be underwhelmed. But the Crayon still rocks.


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