Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Welcome back to Machine Issue preview week. Here're the rest of how robots kill each other. First up today is death by Robo-drive-by. This one's my personal favorite, I think, since there's a little story going on to noodle around with.

Easter Eggs: The license plate is the Starship Enterprise's serial number.

Next, I present Death by Robo-antiquation. This robot's a little too eager to help out.

Easter Eggs: My signature is hidden in the chart. Also, because I didn't easter egg any owls in this collection, I wrote the word out to compensate. The owl's getting nuked, though.

Finally, we have Death by Robo-Russian-roulette. Yes, this fellow's about to make a mess of himself on account of his poor luck distinguishing empty super soakers from the only one with water in it.

In a related story, listen to "Headfirst for Halos" by My Chemical Romance. The lyrics are a little stark, but terribly catchy.

And if this issue's terrible, just think happy thoughts,


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