Wednesday, October 15, 2008


"This town deserves a better class of criminal, and I'm gonna give it to 'em." --The Joker

Here it is, my YDN comics section debut. The series is called Zero Like Me and it'll run Tuesdays. These are our two main characters, Zero and Nyao.

Easter Eggs: "Yale" and Nyao in panel 4.

Fun Facts: I auditioned these pieces for the job, so it'll get so much better once the exposition's through. I've never felt so nervous and scared about seeing my stuff published as when I saw this printed yesterday.

I'll be frank: I want to rectify the misrepresentation Yale comics have received, since the Herald is largely ignored, sadly. Maybe it won't always rock, but I'll try my hardest to make YDN Comics palatable. Let's see if I don't fail.

Next Comic ->


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