Wednesday, December 19, 2007


If there are any 2012ers out there, this post might be good for you.

At Yale we have "Master's Teas," which are events where interesting people come to chat to a small room's worth of students.

The Yale Record also helps host some teas, this year in conjunction with Pierson College.

One tea this year featured David Wain. I hadn't heard of him, but I went to support the Record. As usual, it turned out to be a really interesting tea, well worth the trek to Pierson College.

More recently, we hosted a Yalie, Jonathan Coulton, of internet celebrity. I didn't know who he was either, but I braved the chill to Pierson based solely on the knowledge that teas don't disappoint.

I found out he's a collaborator with fellow Yalie and sometimes Mac John Hodgeman. They met in "a college in New Haven"!

Mr. Coulton played many funny songs, and I became an instant fan after hearing his first song, "Future Soon." You can bet I'm working on fan art.

So who else is invovled in Master's Teas besides the fabulous guests? The fabulous masters! In this case, Pierson Master Harvey "Master G" Goldblatt.

Masters usually act as the main interviewer during the biographic portion of the tea, and then bring the tea to a close after the direct student-guest discussion, which always follows the guest's speech.

More tangentially involved, the Record Chairman usually introduces the guest and the tea. So this is our fearless(?) leader.

Here's a secret: he was about to fall asleep during the less lively autobiography section of Mr. Coulton's tea...for shame! I drew him awake, though.

Anyway, 2012, come to Yale and live teh adventurez.


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