Saturday, October 13, 2018


sleeves up Day 13, "Guarded," starring Black Lotus and this lucky duck!

This was a pretty easy one to concept; I latched onto the idea of doing a salute to that famous clip almost immediately.

The only possible competition woulda been something about the Beta Draft where they were wearing white gloves, but this video is just so much more visceral.

Fun Facts: The oldest cards I have are like from Fourth Edition, which look all Alpha-y, but are generally unremarkable. A classmate who played back in the day but who had no interest in Magic anymore gifted them to me. Also, as I described earlier, I really don't like a lot of the older art and hate when people laud it over clearly superior newer art, or write off more modern art as if it's inherently inferior to Alpha era art.

Easter Eggs: You can spot a couple Beta Islands (ugly/bland) in the background with a Mountain ending the line-up in the far back, but you can also see a Samite Healer (nice) as well as a Lightning Bolt peeking out beneath it (I'm actually not much of a Chris Rush fan, but Bolt still looks pretty nice). The The Dark box in the background has a The Fallen on it. The middle box, presumably Beta, has a Serra Angel on it (ugly).

Not normal,


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