Friday, October 16, 2020


MTGinktober blasts off into Day 16, "Rocket," starring Anax and Cymede and Brimaz, King of Oreskos!

Always a tricky proposition to get a prompt with a modern technology, but when I think rocket, I think of the OGs, Team Rocket, of course, though I did consider including more literal Easter Eggs, at least.

This was our first piece that required some touch-ups the next day, so I'm presenting the slightly refurbished version for today's final. In my defense, I had to sanitize some groceries, which took up precious time.

Fun Facts: The only real debate here was whether to have actual Jessie and James dressed as Anax and Cymede or have the Therosians dressed as the Rockets or just have A&C embody the TR theatrical spirit.  We went with the last option, as you can see, I hope it reads.  Also, today's page was originally a neat little drawing in process, really like how it came out, but ultimately it had to go to make room for ink--we switched to a new nib for this piece, runs like a dream, but next time I'll have to start on that new ink brand, kinda nervous how it'll hold up.

Easter Eggs:  Slightly visible in the pencils, I messed up implementing the dramatic, swirling jet stream from the little Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug cameo, so it became a more subtle inclusion in the final.  I changed "James's" signature rose to a Black Lotus.  No neat place to put my signature, so it's clunkily in the guy's armor (is that one Anax?).  Obviously Brimaz is our straight-up reskin using Meowth as the base.  Cymede's arm armor has the BNG set logo, one of my favorite designs. 

Not normal,


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