Monday, February 8, 2010


Air quotes are the way of the future.

Zero Like Me #75:
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Easter Eggs: "Yale" in panel 4.

Fun Facts: Today's from the OC looking upon 'Nam and Lawrence and whatever's the building after Lawrence. This is actually my second piece about Prometheus.

Baa: As I was swiping in for dinner Sunday "family" night, the nice swiper lady asked me if I was excited for the game, and I stared back confusedly, "Uhhh?" She smiled politely, like you do to a crazy person, and I hurried off to scarf food so I could make my YDN deadline. The cake in the cafetorium said something, something, "Saints," and they were serving burgers and hot dogs and fries and it turned out it was the Superbowl and the Saints were playing. I love not knowing or caring about sports because I tend to be really into whatever I'm into, so I would probably not be able to focus all day if I was into football!

But this weekend was pretty exciting. I spent Friday cowering uncomfortably in the company of other comicsers/illustrators at a YDN drawers' dinner. I remember walking to the silli-site of the meal thinking, "Oh dangit, X is prolly going to be there and will see how inept I am in front of other people." Sure enough, X was there. So that was uncomfortable especially because I was bombing when lobbed softball questions, BUT it does mean I got some new comics out of the experience, and that's what matters, that's why I put myself through stuff like this. Afterward we went to see Tom Tomorrow give a talk. Really neat. Big thanks to the YDN for putting on this comicsers' excursion. And for owning the Herald in such a charming, yet hardcore way. Haha. Herald style: "Uh...let's everybody get drunk at some bar. Funyayhipster!"

If that wasn't enough, the next day I went to my fourth of four possible JE Culture Draws, to see "Race" starring James Spader, David Allen Grier (Yale Drama), and Kerry Washington. The pre-show meal was at Scarlatto and it was the most delicious meal I've ever had in my entire life (my first trip to this restaurant for last year's Culture Draw inspired this comic, by the way). I hate my generation's abuse of superlatives, but I actually mean it: I have had no superior meal to this one. Even the bread before the meal was firing on all four. For the very first time in my life I actually wanted to eat the salad put in front of me and I actually wanted more of it, it was that good! The spaghetti was also just absolutely wonderful (I cannot even say if it was better than the salad!). And then the dessert was this ice cream deal with some pastry thing called "profiteroles" or something, all under choco-sauce. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. You almost want to cry just thinking about how utterly perfect everything was alone and in combination. The single greatest meal I've ever had, ever, and I've won Culture Draw every year plus a bonus trip last year. Absolutely the perfect way to end my Culture Drawing career. I only regret that Master Haller wasn't there, because he taught me how to eat bread at fancy restaurants way back when. Dean Farley was an excellent host, of course, and he helped me handle the usual being-amongst-humans-jitters. Not that I was at ease, but you know, nice to have someone in your corner. All in all, a great, great event. And golly, people at the table knew I draw comics!

The play, unfortunately was quite fast-paced, so I got pretty lost at times, but it was certainly a positive experience and multiple viewings would not be unwarranted (nor cheap, dude). This was my first choice event for Culture Draw, because I wanted to see David Allen Grier in a drama, but by the time I won, they had run out of spots! I knew if I joined the alternate list, I would likely get another shot at seeing this play, and it happened! So Mr. Grier was just great. I like sad stories, but this play was more angry than anything, and the only pathos I felt was in seeing a distraught, frustrated Washington near the end of the play, but I glimpsed that sorrow for only a split second, so it was a short-lived victory. I am a sucker for sad stories, and if it isn't depressing I'd rather it be hilarious; everything else just isn't quite my cup of tea.


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