Tuesday, October 15, 2024


MTGinktober kindly directs your attention to Day 15, "Guidebook," starring Chandra, Acolyte of Flame; チャンドラ・ナラー; Shichifukujin Dragon; and Deb Thomas!

We coulda done yet another "People Traveling" piece, as that seems to be Jake's meta-theme this year, but this was just too ridiculous of an idea not to do.  It started with a desire to get Deb Thomas in an MTGinktober illustration in a believable way, and today we finally have that opportunity, not to mention another Magic Expression or two down--this has an actual Magic Manga representation plus two members of the elusive Celebration series. 

Fun Facts:  Ok, Chandra is one of the MTGinktober sluggers, so she's appeared perhaps the most of all characters, and this one will count as a double-header, so I have her total appearances at fourteen including five as Dora-chan, and now we have actual チャンドラ.  This is obviously Deb Thomas's  debut, though you can add it to the heap of fan art she must be inundated with, not to mention Shichifukujin Dragon, for that matter.

Easter Eggs:  The museum where these nerds are learning about an inexplicably Chandra-looking former CFO has placards with actual writing, however I purposefully made them illegible, but there's some little gags there, aside from my signature, which is more like gag-me-with-spoon.  The guidebook is "Obscure Red Cards," though.


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