Sunday, October 6, 2019


sizes up Day 6, "Husky," starring Isareth the Awakener!

This has to be one of the first pieces in a while with just a single card's worth of star power, hmm.

I tried to find some kind of husky hound for this prompt, but couldn't find anything close enough to go with, but my first idea was actually to feature a portly character like Joven in the famous Brad Nelson screaming victory pose. But then, that still felt too easy, so to up the difficulty, I tried to find a husky female character, and Isareth fit the bill. I'm reminded of that old Mobius quote about how the difficulty always ramps when drawing female characters, so this felt like a good challenge given the more straightforward composition.

Fun Facts: My personal connection to Isareth is I'd always play her in my monoblack pauper decks on Arena, cuz she can really help you climb ahead in the late game once everyone's invariably topdecking and hoping to land a threat to seal the deal before the other can start generating momentum. And we've actually featured her vulture pal before as a guest star in last year's Drain, so welcome back, Vesterix (my name for him).

Easter Eggs: They're both cutthroat, so they're both chewing on some chicken.

Not normal,


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