Thursday, October 7, 2021


MTGinktober forms a parasocial relationship with and digs deep into the personal space of Day 7, "Fan Investigate," starring Young Pyromancer, Young Necromancer, and Floodhound!

This concept came to me after a little bit of thought--I wanted to draw the (presently) two Planeswalker superfans in Magic hanging out, but since they're such fans, what if they also went overboard and were into their heroes to an unhealthy degree?  There was a Twitch leak yesterday about how much certain people, including Magic streamers make, so I figured that might be something these nerds would be into learning and gossiping about.  I wanted to keep it reasonably in-universe, so they're chatting about Jace literally streaming for know, with water. 

Fun Facts: While only mentioned here, Jace himself has only appeared during MTGinktober once, though as a decapitated head, since I refuse to draw him and implicitly endorse the way they so blatantly plastered him everywhere as the stand-in for Magic players at large. 

Easter Eggs: The background is from Young Necromancer's background.  Also, Liliana and Chandra are in their respective fans' medallions, but that doesn't count as an MTGinktober appearance for either, who already appear plenty.


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