Friday, October 8, 2021


MTGinktober checks out early and late into Day 8, "Watch Day/Night," starring Village Watch!

This was another tricky one because I don't want to use modernization if I can avoid it--though I briefly considered spoofing a timepiece ad--and so far I'm not liking how on-the-nose the Magictober prompts are, so that there's too narrow a focus.  But I went with a Daybound/Nightbound creature that has watch in its name, and the twist is she's making the Oath of the Gatewatch pose.  

Fun Facts: While I usually draw multiple characters--and legendary ones at that--this illustration had to be more limited in scope because I am feeling quite tired and need to revamp my sleep schedule so I can prevent crunch and maybe post at a better timeslot, or at least draw better compositions.  Since this prompt wasn't terribly exciting, it felt like a good day to take it easy.  Conveniently, the showcase version was a much more simplified costume, so this also influenced choosing this card to star.

Easter Eggs: The pose here is after Oath of Liliana.  Eagle-eyed viewers will notice I messed up and inked in a portion of the moon, despite making a mental note not to do that.


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