Friday, October 29, 2021


MTGinktober updates and swings at Day 29, "Patch // Bat," starring Spike, Tournament Grinder!

There were a couple directions I coulda gone here, and probably for more of a sure thing with, like, Meren or something--who I've long wanted to draw for Inktober--but I went for the rare double-metaphoric, so it's not a patch in the physical sense, but a digital fix and it's not the animal, but the baseball equipment.  And who else to rage at an annoying Magic patch than Spike? 

Fun Facts: This is Spike's second MTGinktober appearance--what a difference between incarnations (I was super tired and woke up later than usual for today's piece, but I also didn't want to repeat the same kinda background as last time.  Fortunately, the action of the scene made it less important for there to be a clear background.

Easter Eggs: The keyboards have my name.  And the screen she's locked on is the stupid Loading Initial Scene screen that seems to sit there forever.  The displayed wait time--which is not actually on Loading Initial Scene screen, but is there for comedic effect of Spike interminably waiting--is today's date.  The quote is also another annoying thing "serious" players say--I hate the over use (and the abuse, period) of the word "literally," just how last time Spike rattled off annoying Magic traits.


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