Thursday, October 21, 2021


MTGinktober sheds the firs populating Day 21, "Fuzzy Woods," starring Esika, God of the Tree and the Cat tokens from Esika's Chariot!

Oh, man, such a joy to do this one, a salute to one of my art heroes from way back.  I was so pleased to recall that Esika has that fuzzy trim as a part of her costume, so that made this concept a slam dunk since Algenpfleger has plenty of foresty arts to choose from for the background.  To supplement the jolly good fellow, we went with a more chipper than usual pose, even though I'm not one for random peace signs and such.

Fun Facts: While all featured cards are making their MTGinktober debuts here (almost entirely Standard cards, oddly enough), this is at long last our second Algenjam, the first of which was in 2016, our own debut year, where it's pretty much all fan art to everyone's favorite algae farmer.

Easter Eggs: Here's where it gets fun.  Our woods is comprised of spears from his Jumpstart Forest as well as trees found in Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest, Lair of the Hydra, Windswept Heath (ZNR Expedition, of course), Thalia's Lieutenant, and Skemfar Elderhall


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