Thursday, October 6, 2022


MTGinktober blooms into Day 6, "Bouquet," starring Ghoulcaller Gisa

I was going to go with Oliva, Crimson Bride for this one, but it was just too obvious, so we went with our old favorite, Gisa, casually brushing off everyone's fancy flowers.  I woulda liked to darken the sky like I do on occasion, but there just wasn't enough time, especially since my white ink isn't reliable, though I guess we could do it digitally, but that feels like cheating.  I notice I did the same technique on an earlier Gisa ("Angular"), even, so it's funny how I parallel think with myself years apart.

Fun Facts:  While not as frequent a fighter as Chandra, Gisa definitely is a regular player, and this is her sixth MTGinktober appearance, but only her third solo appearance without her brother, who I actually don't enjoy drawing.  Also, I just noticed I had flipped my sketchbook, so this is actually the very last page of the sketchbook...ugh (this miscut sketchbook may be best drawn-in in reverse, anyway).

Easter Eggs: There are four bouquets because 4 is death in Japanese, and among the flowers are Black Lotus (Chris Rahn version) in the upper left; Oona, Queen of the Fae (Adam Rex version) in the upper right, Bitterblossom (Jesper Ejsing version) in the lower left, and in the lower right is--wait for it--Hana Kami held by Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver in the pose of Broken Expectations.  And then my signature is etched into the dirt. 


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