Wednesday, October 6, 2021


MTGinktober haunts and falls apart at Day 6 "Spirit Decayed," starring Graveborn Muse!

I had a few inklings of what to draw for these prompts, but this sorta tug-of-war between Spirits and Zombies won out, as it turns out Graveborn Muse is the only Zombie Spirit in Magic, as of yet, so it'd be neat if both tribes were trying to woo her.

Fun Facts: This is Graveborn Muse's second MTGinktober appearance, believe it or not--quite an achievement for a non-legendary card, but she was uniquely perfect for this prompt that had to incorporate both states of undeath--ethereal and rotting.

Easter Eggs: Of course, the two tribal representatives trying to coax her to their side are Benevolent Geist and the Decayed Zombie Token.

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